Selected Publications
Schmidt C, Cohen S, Gudenas BL, Husain S, Carlson A, Westelman S, Wang L, Phillips JJ, Northcott PA, Weiss WA, Schwer B. PRDM6 promotes medulloblastoma by repressing chromatin accessibility and altering gene expression. bioRxiv 2023; doi: 10.1101/2023.08.29.555389. PMID: 37693484.
Thongthip S*, Carlson A*, Crossley MP, Schwer B. Relationships between genome-wide R-loop distribution and classes of recurrent DNA breaks in neural stem/progenitor cells. Sci Rep 2022 Aug 4;12(1):13373. (*Equal contribution)
Dai HQ, Liang Z, Chang AN, Chapdelaine-Williams AM, Alvarado B, Pollen AA, Alt FW, Schwer B. Direct analysis of brain phenotypes via neural blastocyst complementation. Nature Protocols 2020;15:3154–3181.
Chang AN, Liang Z, Dai H, Chapdelaine-Williams AM, Andrews N, Bronson RT, Schwer B#, Alt FW#. Neural blastocyst complementation enables mouse forebrain organogenesis. Nature 2018;563(7729):126-130 (#Co-senior and corresponding authors)
[also see: UCSF News]
Alt FW, Schwer B. DNA double-strand breaks as drivers of neural genomic change, function, and disease. DNA Repair 2018;71:158-163.
Schwer B*,#, Wei PC*, Chang AN, Kao J, Du Z, Meyers RM, Alt FW#. Transcription-associated processes cause DNA double-strand breaks and translocations in neural stem/progenitor cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016;113:2258. (*Equal contribution, #Corresponding authors)
Wei PC, Chang AN, Kao J, Du Z, Meyers RM, Alt FW#, Schwer B#. Long neural genes harbor recurrent DNA break clusters in neural stem/progenitor cells. Cell 2016;164:644. (#Corresponding authors)
Gostissa M*, Schwer B*, Chang A, Dong J, Marecki GT, Choi VW, Chiarle R, Zarrin AA, Alt FW. IgH class switching exploits a general property of two DNA breaks to be joined in cis over long chromosomal distances. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014;111:2644-9. (*Equal contribution)
Alt FW, Zhang Y, Meng FL, Guo C, Schwer B. Mechanisms of programmed DNA lesions and genomic instability in the immune system. Cell 2013;152:417.
Boboila C, Oksenych V, Gostissa M, Wang JH, Zha S, Zhang Y, Chai H, Lee CS, Jankovic M, Saez LM, Nussenzweig MC, McKinnon PJ, Alt FW, and Schwer B. Robust chromosomal DNA repair via alternative end-joining in the absence of X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 1 (XRCC1). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012;109:2473-8.
Schwer B, Schumacher B, Lombard DB, Xiao C, Kurtev MV, Gao J, Schneider JI, Chai H, Bronson RT, Tsai LH, Deng CX, Alt FW. Neural sirtuin 6 (Sirt6) ablation attenuates somatic growth and causes obesity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010;107:21790-4.
Schwer B*, Eckersdorff M, Li Y, Silva JC, Fermin D, Kurtev MV, Giallourakis C, Comb MJ, Alt FW, Lombard DB*. Calorie restriction alters mitochondrial protein acetylation. Aging Cell 2009;8:604-6. (*Equal contribution)
Lombard DB*, Alt FW, Cheng HL, Bunkenborg J, Streeper RS, Mostoslavsky R, Kim J, Yancopoulos G, Valenzuela D, Murphy A, Yang Y, Chen Y, Hirschey MD, Bronson RT, Haigis M, Guarente LP, Farese RV, Jr., Weissman S, Verdin E, and Schwer B*. Mammalian Sir2 homolog SIRT3 regulates global mitochondrial lysine acetylation. Mol Cell Biol 2007;27:8807-14. (*Equal contribution)
Schwer B, Bunkenborg J, Verdin RO, Andersen JS, Verdin E. Reversible lysine acetylation controls the activity of the mitochondrial enzyme acetyl-CoA synthetase 2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006;103:10224-9.
Schwer B, North BJ, Frye RA, Ott M, Verdin E. The human silent information regulator (Sir)2 homologue hSIRT3 is a mitochondrial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent deacetylase. J Cell Biol 2002;158:647-57.